What Happened To Conrad Hughes Hilton?

With great power comes great responsibilities and it surely applies to Conrad Hughes Hilton. Conrad is the descendant of the great Hilton lineage and younger brother to the famous Paris Hilton. The Hilton family pioneered the Hilton hotels in 1919 at Cisco, Texas. And since then it has brought power and influence to the Hilton family. The family has produced many entrepreneurs, real estate agents, socialites, fashion designers, and entertainers. But Conrad Hughes Hilton seems to be a trouble for the family name as he is commonly known for his legal issues starting from 2014. Let’s look into the life of Conrad Hughes Hilton. 

Who is Conrad Hughes Hilton

Conrad Hughes Hilton III was named after his great-grandfather when he was born on 3rd March 1994. His parents are Richard Howard Hilton and Kathy Hilton and have 3 siblings Nicky, Baron, and the very famous Paris Hilton. Conrad is a socialite as a result of his privileged upbringing. 

What Makes Conrad Famous

Paris Hilton’s brother Conrad Hughes Hilton is not a public figure as she is but he is known for his famous legal issues. In 2014, Conrad recklessly crashed a BMW in Palm Springs and eluded the police. In another incident, on a flight from London to Los Angeles, Conrad allegedly screamed at the crew and fellow passengers throughout the journey. As per GQ, his lines were ‘I will f**king own anyone in this flight, they are f**king peasants’. These claims seem to become more concrete as his father would pay to cover his behavior and he has done it in the past. Conrad pleaded guilty to the charges in 2015. Despite potentially facing 20 years in prison, a plea deal gave him three years probation and 750 hours of community service.

After failing drug tests and parole violations, Conrad was mandated to enter a substance abuse center in January 2016 for 90 days. His parents confirmed his chronic drug issues dating back to his teens. In July 2016, his probation violation due to drug use led to a two-month prison term.

It should be noted that Conrad’s homophobic remarks delayed the court hearing and necessitated psychiatric treatment. He was then arrested for breaking into his girlfriend’s home who has a restraining order against Conrad. But Conrad kept on violating the restraining order again in 2017 and also stole the car of his girlfriend’s dad. 

Conrad Hughes Hilton Net Worth

When Conrad Hilton Senior died, he bequeathed $500,000 to his sons Eric and Baron $100,000 to his daughter Francesca, and $10,000 to the nieces and nephews. It should be noted that Conrad is an heir to the fortune but his net worth remains debatable. His parents have a net worth of more than $350 million and his sister Paris also exceeds $300 million. 


Despite being an heir to a multi-millionaire family, Conrad Hughes Hilton has not done any noteworthy work in his life yet. From the age of only 20 years, he has faced multiple lawsuits with no notable changes to his behavior. As we are writing this, he has a brush with the authorities again.

Oscar Cavan

Oscar Cavan is an experienced content publisher and editor at, With a passion for Breaking News and a wealth of knowledge in the field, Jaccob brings a unique perspective to the website and its readers.

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